Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Educational Inequality Essay

All through history of America education has served very crucially in both the political and economic needs. The goals of education in America include: all children have access toll start school ready to learn, 90 percent increase in High school graduates, development of graduates who demonstrate competency in various areas, create a lead in mathematics and science achievement in the world, literacy among all the adults and possession of the knowledge and skills essential to strive in a global economy and exercise the rights and duties of citizenship, schools free of substance abuse, and full of discipline, access to professional equipping programs and lastly promotion of partnerships in schools that will intensify the parental participation in the whole dimension of the children . The US established an Act of Parliament in 2001 known as The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) that aims at bringing reforms in the education system. It aims in maintaining high standards and strategies in order to improve education system and eliminate the educational inequality. Education dates many eras back in history and quite surprisingly so do education inequality. Educational inequality refers to the nonexistence of equal chances that individuals have as a result of differences in quality education among other factors. Generally in America and the entire world a variety of educational inequalities exist. The imbalances continue along socioeconomic and cultural lines. Research shows that slightly in the across the world more than one billion adults illiterate. The United Nations indicates that of these one billion uneducated grown-ups more than 2/3rds are women. Further it shows that the fourth grade learners who grow up in lesser, low-income societies are already about three grade levels behind their peers in high-income societies (TFA, 2008). By the time these students are 18 they have not yet completed in their high school, with only a ratio of one is to ten. These educational imbalances dishonorably limit the life scenarios of the children who grow up in poor societies who are over 13 million children. The disparities incline inexplicably affect minority groups comprising African-American, Latino/Hispanic, and Native American children, who are three times as probable to live in low-income regions (TFA, 2008). Children in low-income societies and areas in the world regularly face trials such as underprivileged healthcare, nourishment, and insufficient housing. While their counterparts enjoy concerted cultivation, exposure to the information and resources, better nutrition and recreation facilities all of which are important in better performance. Schools and school systems time and again lack the same resources to encounter and cope with the students’ full potential. Various factors are precursors of inequality, and on the other hand education inequality becomes a factor in propagation of the factors themselves, these include economic, social, political, technological and cultural influences and the education system, delivery of education etc. The factors can either be endogenous or exogenous: either external or factors within the education system itself that cause inequality: nonexistence of schooling facilities, poor administrative environment of the school-system. Absenteeism, truancy, low attainment in school and dropouts are several of the outcomes of pitiable structural environment of school-system. Segregation has been named as the greatest cause of inequality. Segregation actually means stratification or classification of people in a society due to a predominant attribute they possess. Racial, gender, social, economic segregation among others have an adverse effect on education. The discrimination that arises hinders people from accessing better and desired education. In the history of America the inequality of education has existed in regard to race, gender and sociocultural and economic factors. Through the transitory of slavery, equality of education was one of the rights that were formerly withdrawn from the Black people. The grant of equality was a factor that would help in social integration attainment. Its over one hundred and twenty years but still the black children have not really achieved the amount of financial success White children have in life after school. The objective of education is to reserve the present class structure. Ever since the eradication of servitude, racist whites have used the educational classification to retain their sovereignties and to preserve blacks unfortunate. Philosophies of marginal subservience are spread, and the misrepresented fall into the trap of believing that race defines astuteness, by means of lopsided test statistics to aid back their thoughts. Ranking in social achievement simulations adopt social movement in an exposed challenge, based on distinction as measured by years of schooling and practical capability. This open challenge assumes an identical rudimentary education. The Supreme Court governed that â€Å"separate but equal† schools were unauthorized, those who would avert incorporation had to find new methods to negate this elementary education. This is so equivalent to tracking where by children are separated in terms of their social classes. Various sociological schools of thoughts have arisen to explain this phenomenon. Some of the dominant include the functionalist theory; this paradigm aims in delineating the functions of education and asserts that education serves the requirements of the society. In its manifest form education communicates elementary knowledge and skills across generations and on the other hand it socializes people into the society’s mainstream through its latent aims: the â€Å"moral education,† which helped forms a more-cohesive social arrangement by bringing together people from assorted backgrounds. It echoes the historical apprehension of â€Å"Americanizing† settlers. This theory was formulated by Emile Durkheim and has since been advanced by other scholars. Functionalists argue that other underlying roles of education are such as transmission of core values and social control. Functionalist hold that education serves the purpose of socializing individuals to learn the social norms, beliefs, knowledge, attitudes and values that they will require as industrious citizens at the different (unequal) levels of society this is achieved mainly through â€Å"the hidden curriculum†, at the same time education sorts and rank persons for engagement in the labor market, individuals who achievement highly are trained for the most important jobs and in recompense, earn very high incomes. Thereby the most capable individuals get the greatly aspired occupations. The sensibly constructed educational goals and curriculum assists in develop identities and self-esteem. However, Sennet and Cobb (2005) cites that to have confidence that aptitude single-handedly determines who is to be rewarded is unfounded. Meighan concurs, adding that a majority of in dividuals who are capable of performing but are limited by their working class background fail to achieve the status they deserve limited by the cultural experiences and deprivations. The cycle persists with schooling backing continuity, which in turn maintains social order. Lucas, 2009 supposed that this progression, whereby some schoolchildren were named and labeled educational failures, is an essential activity which education as a part of the social system, performed for the whole and smooth functioning of the society. Another model called the conflict theory maintains that the function of education is to continue with the social inequality and maintain the power of the powerful in the society. Conflict theorists scrutinize the identical purposes of education as functionalists. However the functionalists view education inequality as a advantageous contribution to an ordered society and that helps maintains the social order while the conflict theorists perspective is that the educational system is a system that propagates the status quo by stultifying the lower classes into being submissive workers. They together concur that the educational system practices sor ting, but they disagree about how it enacts that sorting. Functionalist’s prerogative that schools categorize centered upon distinction; conflict theorists contend that schools classify along distinctive class and ethnic lines. Conflict theorists hold that, schools train those in the working classes to accept their position as a lower-class member of society. The conflicts identify several factors to defend their position: property taxes finance most schools this therefore means affluent districts have more money hence better funded schools. They can have enough money to pay greater wages, appealing to more professional teachers, and newer texts books and more technology. This therefore translates to better performance and development of more able students. Symbolic interactionists is yet another theoretical approach in explaining education inequality, symbolic interactionists say that society is conceivable since people have the capability to converse with one another by means of symbols. Further they add that people act toward others, objects, and events on the foundation of the connotations we convey to them. Subsequently, we experience and understand the world as a constructed- created reality. On educa tion they restrict their examination to what we directly observe happening in the schools. Additionally they lay a focus on how educators anticipations stimulates student performance, observations, and attitudes. Additionally researchers across the globe have come up with more theoretical methodologies to elucidate developments in educational inequality: the theory of industrialization, reproduction theories, MMI and EMI. theory of industrialization give its explanations on educational inequality that with increase with industrialization and modernization there would be decline in inequality in the education sector and as a result other sectors e.g. income distribution and resource allocation. As an outcome of economic, institutional, and cultural transformation, arising from improved technology and innovations, greater sections of the countries inhabitants will benefit, thereby reducing the factors that increase inequality. The theory asserts that access to education, and their educational achievement would be progressively rely on merit rather than cultural and economic background. Reproduction theories state that the inequality is a making of the education system; this can be simply inferr ed to mean that the systems are structured to reproduce the unequal social structure. Stratification in the society will continue even if the education enlarges because the powerful figures will continue to make strategies that maintain this benefit. Therefore there will forever be an intergenerational sinuousness of inequality. Maximally maintained inequality (MMI) cites the educational system expansion doesn’t specifically major on lower class but all the students, this theory was formulated in an attempt to answer why educational development and egalitarian transformations do not decrease educational disparity among socioeconomic divisions. Relative risk aversion (RRA) proposes larger disparity lessening is probable and is subject to altering costs and customs. Effectively maintained inequality (EMI) proposes that significant inequality decrease in equality is indescribable since qualitatively diverse categories of education preserve far-reaching inequality, even at collective conversions. When inundation is attained at a specific level and inequity in realization degenerates, quantifiable inequity may be swapped by qualitative. This means that upper classes will be better equipped. Concentrating on tracking, EMI openly deliberates the established administration of diverse educational systems, thus accentuating the importance of including the institutional facet. Theorists and researchers agree that the inequality in education is as a result of segregation and class differences more specifically brought about by income-economic factors. If the bridge in student achievement is to be crossed policies that emphasize inequality elimination and new initiatives have to be developed. The structure and the process of schooling should also be taken into consideration to achieve better performance. Reduction of race and sociocultural discrimination also will go a long way in improving the state of education in America. The state commitment to policies that ensure equal distribution of the resources and inception of programs that are aimed at improving the welfare of the people should be adopted.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects of Eastern Religions Essay

Eastern religions and their unique belief systems are transforming many social and religious thoughts into an assortment of means for acquiring and developing innovative and contemporary spiritual growth. One of the more influential shifts in mixing religious traditions into western religious cultures may well be considered ritualistic applications, acceptance, and practicing of meditation. Freely borrowing the principles of eastern religious traditions allows an individual extended opportunity to open a connection with his or her chosen God, or Supreme Being, by developing positive emotions, and providing a mental calmness; mean while establishing an acute mental strength within oneself. This practice of clearing the mind, projects an unfragmented focus into the inner self and ones mental intuitiveness, enabling a sharpness and keen ability to stimulate mental alertness, and even suggesting the possibility for mental self-healing. With such widened expressions of religious flexibility, an improved and more comprehensive understanding of diverse truths of belief systems are capable of being discovered. Additionally, through the use of multiple religious observances, one can bear witness to how such effects of Hinduism and Buddhist traditions of meditation, has transformed and enhanced traditional rituals in western religious cultures. Even medicinal benefits can be achieved through the use of advanced breathing techniques, energy practices, and other mental, and physical stimulus. The following synopsis will demonstrate the effects of how ancient beliefs and traditions have produced influences of varying proportions on western civilization. Many eastern religions play an important role in modern medicine. In the past, western medicine has incorporated eastern medicine paralleling different sacred rituals. Many Eastern religions have given birth to a medical practice of their own; one such example includes Taoism. Taoism believes in studying nature and how man is affected by its healing effects. From this adherence to medicinal belief rose the practice of acupuncture, which consists of generating a â€Å"flow of energy,† and how those flows affect the body (Articles base, 2007). Acupuncture, another form of medicinal equivalency, has currently attracted attention and notoriety world-wide. Those who have experienced this sensation have claimed that it leaves one with a feeling of exhilaration. A study conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine, who promotes acupuncture as having medicinal value, supports its true worth by assisting with such anxieties and medical dilemmas as depression during pregnancy. According to Rachel Manber, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral science, stated â€Å"They hope the results will raise awareness of the problem of depression during pregnancy and provide patients and physicians and alternative to antidepressants† (Manber, 2010). As acupuncture has become popular among western cultures, other configurations of spiritual healing have surfaced, for example meditation and yoga. Through mediation, Siddhartha Gautama, otherwise known as Buddha, was the first person to experience full spiritual enlightenment, primarily due to the deliberate techniques applied. Several ways that meditation can be performed come in everyday tasks such as reading, walking, swimming, and working out. â€Å"From meditation we learn to observe the sensation in the body, which are certainly related to the mind† (Fisher, 2003). Yoga is another practice that the spiritual seeker uses today in meeting the goal to receive purity, wisdom, and peacefulness of mind (Fisher, 2003). The influence of Hinduism is apparent throughout western civilizations and societies. The effects that this has had on the lifestyle and beliefs of most modern Indian are clear. One of the main influences that have roots with Hinduism is in the practice of yoga. Yoga has become extremely popular in the west in the last several decades. Through deep breathing and mediation techniques, the exercise brings a deeper meaning within one’s self. Yoga mediation is not a separate component, but rather a distinct application of meditation. Aside from relaxing and clearing ones thoughts, there is a popular belief that yoga is an all encompassing tool to become physically fit when in fact, this is hardly the case. Yoga meditation is a complete process to â€Å"finding oneself. † Hindu belief in practicing yoga is predestined to guide one to absolute, pure, and eternal bliss, therefore, allowing a person to become wise, wholesome, and peaceful. The practice is one of six schools of Hindu philosophy, in which, there can be found, 196 different sutras of yoga. Each one has different forms of attaining balance, purity, wisdom, and eventually spiritual enlightenment, the essential goal. The first of many types of yoga begins with Raja Yoga. This form of yoga deals mainly with the cleansing of the mind, and is designed to build, develop and sustain a strong mental state through discipline and purification. The way to maintain this state is to have superior health, mental, physical strength and stamina. Furthermore, yoga with such virtuous beliefs, may prove that a pure lifestyle will help in attaining this state of being. Some of the methods used are through abstaining from any influences that would detract from living a pure life such as intoxicant, while also practicing celibacy. Another significant component of yoga is jnana yoga. jnana yoga cultivates four behaviors toward reaching the development of spiritual deliverance. The first is viveka, the ability to understand what is definite and eternal, and what is temporary. Another element of jnana yoga is vairagya. This ritual is intended to acquire an ability to remove oneself from that which is temporary, therefore preparing for the eternal life. The third state of jnana is shad-sampat, in which a person is in full control of his or her mind, a perfect state of concentration and calmness. The fourth state is mumukshutva, a condition that releases a person from his or her temporary state and allows freedom into the eternal state of being. Each of the four sections of Jnana is a preparation toward eternal bliss, and in the end, desiring to reach nirvana. An additional, more precise version of yoga, is Karma, a belief in actions. The meaning of Karma is to do and have done, seeking to have a person behave and act in way that brings one closer to one’s duty, which is to act in an unselfish manner, and to bring peace, calmness and tranquility, with every action one takes. The fourth type of yoga is Bhakti, an instrument of yoga that brings a person closer to God. Within this Practice are nine principles that help a person achieve this state. Although there are various types of yoga, they all parallel each other with the goal of helping to bring a person closer to a divine state with his or her God. Each of the diverse practices of yoga described is a part of modern India, and the influences from Hinduism are apparent in each one. The importance of yoga and Hinduism in India is a large part that is accepted by the society in accordance with the belief system. The following of Yoga is not only practiced in India, but has also brought the attention to many westerner civilizations. Yoga is not a religion, but more as a means of overcoming the hectic demands of family, work, and life. Practicing yoga gives mental balance as well as a means to optimize health and well being. The effects of yoga and meditation have been proven, and positive results in aiding and nurturing the treatment of learning disabilities, nursing homes, and treatment of alcoholism, well documented. This rich culture of ancient Hinduism has had many historical changes, challenges, and an influence is currently seen on a global scale. Zen Buddhism migrated to the United States around the 19th century. Since then, the religion has adapted to the western way of life, and has helped to evolve the religion. â€Å"As Westerners themselves are taking strong interest in Buddhism, those who have grown up as Buddhist are reassessing their religion and finding new depths in it† (Fisher, 2003, p. 182). Buddhist monasteries and retreats have emerged all throughout the United States. From the 19th century, Buddhism has helped many American’s learn to function as valued members in society by following the meditation and Zen teachings of the religion. â€Å"Buddhism gained a foothold among a significant number of Western intellectuals and particularly during the 1960s and early ‘70s among young people seeking new forms of religious experience and expression† (Britannica, p. 2 ). Although the religion thrived during the 60s and 70s, the active Buddhist today is no longer the young, free loving individuals seen in the past. Most modern day believers include parents, and families. Parents can bring their children to daycare at the same time as the parents go to rooms to chant and meditate. â€Å"As more Buddhist mediation centers make their homes in the suburbs, reflecting the spread of that ancient religion throughout the United States, many are adapting to American ways† (Orr, ’98, p. 2). Buddhists of today can go to retreats for weekend sessions or year long-hiatus. These retreats are not vacations because the religion is taken seriously among most practicing Americans. Some may credit Japanese scholar D. T Suzuki (1870-1966) for bringing Buddhism to the United States, although others say it was due in part to the Chinese conquest in Tibet around 1959. Either way, there are many temples that began construction by Tibetan monks that came to the United States for refuge. â€Å"A number of the highest Tibetan lamas, forced out of Tibet, have established spiritual communities in the United States, complete with altars full of sacred Tibetan artifacts† (Fisher, 2003 p. 178). However, along with the sacred artifacts come some differences. Most Buddhist temples do not have weekly services, but in the US, services are typically held on Sundays. A Buddhist service is normally performed in the Japanese or Chinese language, but in the US the services are predominately conducted in English. The leaders of the US temples still follow the traditional teachings, but customize it to reach out to more people in the United States. In modern day communist China, religion is viewed much differently from most places in society today. Shortly after becoming a communist state, many religions, religious practices, and texts were destroyed and suppressed. In fact, most Taoism and Buddhism temples and texts were destroyed in China during the 1960s and 70s (Fisher, 2003). Since then China has become more westernized and recently have adopted a free market economy changing much of China’s communist ways including some religious ideals. China has even declared Taoism and Buddhist temples as historical sites and promotes building of new temples. Although this move by the government was made to promote tourism alone (Fisher, 2003). Religion today is still kept in hiding and many traditions are discouraged. Any new religion is seen as a treat to the state and is quickly suppressed, sometimes violently. After communist China titled Confucianism as an old way and discarded it from society, parts of Confucianism are now being re-introduced back into everyday life. China was once known as one of the safest, criminal free countries in the world (Fisher, 2003). From the time when China opened its doors to the western society and to a free market, criminal activities began to rise. No longer were communist ideals keeping people from committing such crimes. The government therefore, began to bring back teachings of Confucianism to schools and society for morale and ethical purposes, to help control such criminal behaviors. The teachings of being the best person possible and the best person to society, teachings of social harmony, and a personal sense of the meaning of life started to become very popular among communist Chinese society. China has even tried to fuse both the ideas of capitalism and Confucian together to make a â€Å"Capitalist Confucianism† (Fisher, 2003). Of course, even events such as recognizing Confusion’s birthday was re-introduced for economic reasons. The government does keep all religious aspects of Confucianism at bay, along with the idea of free thought. Though, many intellectuals and scholars are trying to fight for freedom of thought. They argue free thought would help improve the economy even more at this time while there is a free market. Even religious practices such as meditation are starting to make a comeback in modern day communist China. Meditation is seen as a spiritual practice for people who follow Taoism and Buddhism in China and also seen as a practice to relieve stress and to relax much like it is seen in western society for others. Since 1995 there have been many experiments on the benefits of meditation in China. Particularly types of meditation known as integrative body–mind training (IBMT) created in the 1990s have been the focus of these studies. IBMT is a type of meditation that teaches a person about a state of calm and focus without the spiritual side of meditation. This type of meditation is said to improve emotional and cognitive performance and social behavior (Posner, 2007). Recent studies have proven that IBMT not only helps improve one’s focus and performance, but also helps a person deal with stress, tension, anger, depression, and fatigue. It also improved those people’s energy levels and made those same people have a more positive outlook on a day-to-day basis. This all come from just a five day course, two hours a day, of IBMT group practices. So meditation in Chinese culture is not only seen to help benefit one’s mental part of life, but also helps make a person become a better person too him or herself and society both mentally and physically. With the resonating effects of eastern religion throughout the western world, social and political lives have been influenced in a variety of ways. A general open-mindness for allowing more opportunities for spiritual growth is becoming an ever-changing cause for overcoming overly rational and extreme traditions of the many religious belief systems in existence today. The availability of technology has also become instrumental in exploration of other belief systems, therefore making them within easier reach for adaptation, offering combined religious values and rituals into one belief system. With such ease of exploration, courtesy of the Internet and widespread mobility, the range of information can enable seekers to learn about other religious traditions, therefore providing diverse individual religious expression (Guarino, 2009). Some Christian leaders however, worry that there may an increase in distractions from worshiping their true path of faith, therefore diluting Christian doctrines. Regardless of ancestral belief systems or modern paradigm paralysis, the mixtures of religions and cultures will continue the spread into western civilizations and societies

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Forecasting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Forecasting - Essay Example The third step includes testing the predictability of a model while using the ‘out-of-sample data’, that establishes whether the model can fulfill its duty of predictability. Historical data is essential to predict the future demand. Even though the future data may fit the future data, it is not an assurance that the forecast in the future is accurate. Like in the carbonated soft drink study, the estimate went on for over 153 weeks, with the 13 weeks used as out of sample data. The increased lead times for some specific packaging components is due to the complicated process. Also, the surfacing of more than normal supply and demand issues force a change in the supply chain after only thirteen weeks of the entire plan. The scenarios The scenarios as analyzed in the case study include sensing demand, shaping demand and ways of maximizing Return on Investment. The sensing demand handles the measures the organization undertakes to increase volume in the retail business assoc iated with grocery. The scenario is imperative in demand forecasting because it ensures the production of enough products for existing customers. The firm concentrates on major business indicators, to push sales up thus increasing profitability. The third scenario associated with maximization of ROI, the organization researches on other scenarios that can help boost sales and promote productivity. Another fourth scene not mentioned in the case study, but remains important is to understand the consumer in terms of quality and quantity standards.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hall effect Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hall effect - Lab Report Example These devices are most commonly used in industries either to calculate the revolutions of a wheel or to evaluate the respective timing of the revolutions. On the other hand, displacement is also encountered with these types of sensors due to their high credibility. The construction of the sensor may differ depending on the applications these devices are used in (New robust hall effect rotary sensor, 2006). When the magnetic field of lines deflects the straight beam of highly charged particles, the bean is deflected due to the magnetic field. In this manner the straight path of the charged particles does not remain straight. In general, a Hall plate has a fixed flow of electrons from the plate in the form of electron beam. However, in the respective magnetic field the beamsn gets deflected due to the magnetic flux and less current flows through the plate. The voltages appear over the positive and negative terminals of the plate are Hall voltages (Zheng and Zhang, 2014). 1. Make the Hall Effect Sensor board by fixing the Hall Effect sensor to the board. After fixing the Hall Effect sensor, mark the board with scaled numeric values with the help of marker and scale. The marking should be as 0 mm at null position, (where the head of the Hall Effect sensor is there) and with the intervals of 20 mm. The highest marked number should be 160mm. Carefully select the scale and mark appropriately and clearly. 3. Connect the probe of the Hall Effect Sensor to the Signal processing unit. Connect the probes of the Digital DC voltmeter to the output measurement of signal processing unit. Use 0 to 1 volt setting at the Signal Processing unit to calculate output. Use the 100mT setting. Turn the zero dial all the way to the left before you begin. In the experiment, it is quite clear that as the magnetic field goes away from the Hall Effect Sensor, the voltage signal gains strength. However, a little difference is evaluated as the magnetic field crosses 160mm on

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Socialization into Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Socialization into Nursing - Essay Example Those involve carrying out treatments, monitoring equipment that may be used in the treatment of the patients, i.e. mechanical ventilators, as well as informing the doctor about the progress or decline of the patient. Apart from the patient, a nurse also has certain responsibly toward the family of the patient by telling them what their family member is going through, what treatment is required, and what precautions could be taken to avoid the illness in future. A nurse does everything possible for the care and betterment of the patient. Besides that, certain nurses are travelling nurses. They travel on airplanes or on ships to render services to the passengers. Some nurses also peruse the career of teaching in universities and share their experience with students wanting to peruse this career. So I think, after being a nurse, you can serve and take care of people in numerous ways. Thesis: I believe that nursing is another name for care and understanding. Further, I would describe th eories of Jean Watson's Philosophy of Nursing, which are very close to my theories and thoughts on nursing. Nursing Theorists Jean Watson's Philosophy of Nursing: Carative – The Theory of Human Caring Jean Watson’s theory of human caring is based on 4 theories of which 3 are discussed below. Human: A human is a creation who has every right to be respected, cared, assisted and nourished. He as a whole has every right to lead a healthy and stable life with full potential of exploring and living with dignity. He should be taken care of and taught what’s good for him, as he has certain major responsibilities to fulfill in this world. A human aims to life his life to the fullest, and a nurse’s responsibility towards him is to make him feel better when he is ill, by proper medication, treatment and by guiding him about the right way to live. He deserves to live a safe life, and a nurse should save him from all the bad habits, like tobacco and alcohol, if he is engaged in those dangerous things. Health: Jean Watson has made a huge contribution by adding three definitions of health in WHO. She considers health as a key to live a stable life. Health is something which makes a person survive in society with good physical and mental functioning. She believed that health is a key through which helps a human to do his day to day tasks effectively and fully. She believed that health means lack of illness. Nursing: In her theory, she explained that nursing is another name for care, and is meant to help the sick revive from illness, emphasizing on taking good care of health. Promoting good health and the treatment of illness and sickness is the name for nursing. Personal life philosophy I believe this life is given to every individual to find the right path that leads to God’s will. Relationships, feelings, career are all secondary, but finding the right path, building your faith strong, and feeding your soul with the love of god is primary. Nobody in this world should hold more importance in our life than God as he has blessed us with all we have today. Living a true, caring, selfless life will lead us to the right path which is accepted by God. The decisions I make to take my life further are solely based on whether God would like me do it or not. I don’t make those decisions which would be better for me for a short period of time. But take those which will benefit me through out my life time. I believe that no one is

Compare and contrast how foreign antigens are recognised by the innate Essay

Compare and contrast how foreign antigens are recognised by the innate and the adaptive immunity - Essay Example The innate immunity system is composed of four main components each of which contains a large number of different types of cells. These four main components are: Phagocytes, Interferon, Compliment system and Natural Killer cells. The innate immunity is non-specific and targets every foreign antigen that it is exposed to. Also the response to these foreign antigens is very rapid. Mast cells of the innate immunity system release histamine which causes inflammation and dilation of the capillaries to allow the needed action. Adaptive immunity also aims to protect the body against infectious particles however the mode of action and the components involved are quite different from that of innate immunity. The adaptive immunity is very specific recognizing and acting against a specific antigen. The response against the antigen is quite slow when compared with the innate immunity and there is a time delay between the onset of antigens and the action taken by the adaptive immunity. The action however is targeted and once it is taken, it leads to rapid removal of antigens from the body. In both the innate and the adaptive immunity, the response to the foreign antigens takes place in two phases: the activation phase and the effector phase. The activation phase is very similar in both of these systems. During the activation phase, antigens are presented by the Major histocompatibility complexes to the T-cells. In the innate immunity the antigen is presented to the cytotoxic T cell which after recognizing the signal proliferates and produces perforin in order to lyse the infected cell. On the other hand, in the adaptive immunity, the antigens are presented to T-helper cells. The helper cells release cytokines which allow it to proliferate into clones. These clones then act on individual B-cells which cause them to proliferate and differentiate into either plasma cells or memory cells. Like the innate immunity, the adaptive

Friday, July 26, 2019

Global diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global diversity - Essay Example art of the legal environment in the Human Resource Department that involves training, conflict resolution, advising, and punishing of the workforce as desired. It also involves management and team building within the organization. In this case, Gladys’s harassment from a senior partner should have been reported immediately to the Human Resource authorities through her line manager to validate her case in court. The manner in which Gladys’s channels her anger towards the company is uncalled for as no relevant authorities were informed. There would have been a conflict resolution committee to deliberate on her case before resigning and suing her former employer. In my opinion, the case Jennifer has filed against her employer will not materialize for him, as she is likely to lose it. This is because firstly, she is no longer part of the workforce in the company and secondly, there is no concrete evidence of her harassment reported to the authorities before leaving the comp any. Thirdly, her reasons for resigning are unclear to the management even though she claims the sexual harassments from the senior partner instigated her exit from the company even after six months of enduring through this harrowing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Great Depression in America Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Great Depression in America - Coursework Example The basic cause of the Great Depression was a drop in aggregate demand, which led to a decrease in output as producers as well as merchandisers observed an unplanned increase in inventories. The sources of the reduction in spending differed during the course of the Depression, however, they cumulated into a massive drop in aggregate demand. During the Depression itself, different factions gave explanations regarding the catastrophe that goes contentedly with their personal interests. The Hoover management held global fiscal forces responsible and sought to â€Å"stabilize world currencies and debt structures†. ‘New Dealers’, aimed at finding a domestic solution to the catastrophe, said that the Depression was a calamity of ‘under-utilization’, that low earnings and high costs had made it extremely complicated to acquire the commodities of the industrial financial system; and that a shortage of demand had caused the financial slump.One of the earliest significant post-war explanations came was given by economists ‘Milton Friedman’ and ‘Anna Schwartz’, in their ‘Monetary History of the United States (1963)’. They argued about what has identified as the ‘economic interpretation’. Hey claimed that Great Depression was caused by a ‘radical contraction of the currency’ (Rothbard, 2011, p. 103). This argument goes well with the ideas that Milton Friedman has supported for several years.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MIS Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MIS Project - Essay Example To achieve this mission, Lib Cafe will commit to several philosophies, i.e. the clients will be the employer, the product is the most important thing, and to keep the store’s employees happy to provide the best service. In addition, the store will avoid greed and opportunism. Objectives Lib Cafe has several objectives that they seek to achieve. These are: 1. Turn ordinary physical shelves available in our homes into a virtual/online/digital shelf that can be accessed from anywhere. 2. Provide fast and economic way of delivering products and services to customers for entertainment and educational purposes at reduced/competitive prices using latest/advanced technologies available, today. Market Analysis The Middle Eastern market is an expanding market, yet, as a niche market, it is underserved. It is expected that the market will grow from 100 million potential in 2012 to approximately 15 million in 2020. Ardent book readers also spend approximately $100 billion dollars every ye ar with at least 30% of this now being spent online (Carey 22). One reason why the Middle Eastern consumer is overlooked is that the majority of information sources relied on by marketers does not adequately represent the population (Carey 22). However, as a marketer, this group needs to be recognized as a good opportunity and connecting to them in their early years, especially, could reap dividends in the future. Competitive Analysis Lib Cafe faces competition from various competitors such as traditional brick and mortar bookstores, textbook exchange sites, online retailers, online auction sites, comparison sites for book prices, and content specific sites for textbooks. These include Barnes & Noble,,,,,,,,,, among others (Mercer 32). Strategy Lib Cafe’s potential market is around 100 million clients who are live in the Middle East and North Africa. For the se cond phase of this project, the plan is to focus the marketing efforts on a subset market that has its location in the Middle East (Mercer 44). The plan is also to expand to other markets using a phased approach, which will focus on a new region every year with North Africa and Eastern Europe as the next target. Sales Direct download – for purchased items (does not qualify for resale). Online Access to Company’s Cloud – for purchased (qualify for resale), rented or subscribed items. Shipped – physical product available for shipping (optional at higher costs). Products and Services Lib Cafe seeks to offer a unique content, service, and product blend to its clients, which other companies do not offer online. Lib Cafe also seeks to aggregate content, services, products, and participants to come up with a client-to-client retail website and market place. This will target 100 million potential users. Financials According to the requirements and opportunities t hat Lib Cafe has come up with, in their business plan, the financial projections are as follows: Ensure that the company exceeds an increase of 1.5 times in profits and revenue by year three. Make a report on its profits in month 9 of operations Ensure that there are exceptional revenues and sales by the end of year two. Lib Cafe needs a seed investment and later

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The virtual project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The virtual project - Essay Example This essay analyzes some special problems virtual projects faces with. The process of teambuilding is common to any project. However the virtual project presents some serious problems in the areas of developing trust, developing group identity, sharing information, developing clear structures, formation of ‘cliques’ or informal subgroups and understanding information. If the problems of direct communication and new electronic technologies are not addressed, then they may become fatal. A virtual project is defined as being geographically dispersed so that the team members seldom if ever meet face to face. In this respect, the virtual project differs from the traditional project in that in a traditional team environment, the team members share a common work place so that they meet frequently. However the process of team building involves challenges that are common to all projects. The success of managing any project depends upon building an effective team. This is a commo n problem for any project manager. Effective team building depends upon building trust among the team members. If the team members do not trust each other, then their efforts cannot be directed towards a common goal. This is a problem faced by the project manager not only in the traditional bureaucratic setting, but also in the modern environment characterized by the virtual project. The basic definitions of team building that were implemented in the traditional project hold true for the virtual project as well. ... Creating good team work involves problems that are found in any project. Therefore the project manager, whether he is managing a traditional or a virtual project, must develop skills that can address the problems hindering good teamwork. Good teamwork requires clear structures and this is a problem common to both the virtual project and the bureaucratic setting. Unless the project manager can generate commitment to team objectives, project implementation will fail. These are problems that both the modern and the traditional project manager must consider. Virtual projects specifically face the problem of not being able to directly communicate. Because the team members are spread across several time zones, they cannot meet face-to-face. Therefore the difficulties of communicating and team building are much greater in a virtual project. Implementing virtual project teams requires the project manager to have skills in managing the latest communication technologies. The benefits that trad itional projects can gain from collocation are not attributable to the virtual project in which the team members are geographically dispersed. Therefore virtual projects face unique communication problems. For this reason, implementing virtual projects requires the use of the most advanced communication technologies. Distant team members also face the problem of information sharing. Because they are located in different locations, they have different perspectives on the same information. This problem creates inequities of information which is unique to the virtual project. The virtual project faces the unique problem of not having collocation. As a

Monday, July 22, 2019

Black People and Roberta Essay Example for Free

Black People and Roberta Essay Determining the race of Twyla and Roberta from the clouded descriptions in Recitatif is a rather difficult task. The evidence in my opinion leads me to believe that Roberta is white and that Twyla is black. In this paper I will identify situations in this story that reinforce my opinion. I will also explain how minority group treatment influenced my perception of the events in this story. My early impression of Roberta was that of a spoiled country girl with little or no education that opinion was based on her inability to read and her waste of food at meal times. Finishing all your food is a strong force in many black families this waste can be construed as a connection to Roberta being white. The first verbal indication is Robertas mothers refusal to greet Twylas mother Mary. This is a strong image of prejudice in my opinion. Robertas mother said nothing. She just grabbed Roberta and stepped out of line. Robertas mothers disinterest in meeting a woman of the opposite race makes a convincing argument that she is white and in her mind better than associating with blacks. In the next scene the families were eating Lunch. Twyla made the observation that The wrong food is always with the wrong people. And the connection that Maybe thats why I got into waitress work later-to match up the right people with the right food. There is a common stereotype that black people love chicken. So the white Roberta having the black chicken could be considered a Mitch match and since Roberta is white she should not have the chicken. The next piece of evidence comes much later when the two old friends are reunited in a supermarket. They have exchanged pleasantries and discussed how well there lives are going. It is obvious to the reader that Roberta is well off financially. Roberta makes the comment I was dying to know what happened to her, how she got from Jimi Hendrix to Annandale, a neighborhood full of doctors and IBM executives. Easy, I thought. Everything is so easy for them. They think they own the world. This statement shows that Twyla is aware of how easy it is for white people to raise their economic class. It can be implied that Roberta made the large advance because she was of the proper white race to make such advancement. The final piece of evidence is When Twyla confronts Roberta on her poor behavior at their encounter in Howard Johnsons Roberta says Oh, Twyla, you know how it was in those days: black-white. You know how everything was. Roberta here identifies the strong pressure she felt from her peers to not associate with the lower black race. My first indication of Twylas race was the way her mother Mary introduced herself. She used the phrase Twyyyyyla, baby! the term baby is commonly associated with older black females. Marys reaction to Robertas mothers refusal to shake hands coupled with the loud outbursts on the way to the chapel are also part of what society has deemed as black female behavior. Mary is described wearing those ugly green slacks that made her behind stick out There is a stereotype that black women have large behinds. These examples leads me believe Robertas mother is black and so the daughter must be of the same race. Throughout the story Roberta is always depicted in a lower class than Roberta always overshadowed by Roberta. Roberta marries into a higher social standing and has an implied superiority throughout the story. The statement Everything is so easy for them. They think they own the world. Is a common opinion about the social standing of whites in the United States. There are a lot of conflicting data to for both sides of this argument. In my opinion though there is much more evidence that leads the reader to believe that Roberta is white and Twyla is black.

he cost associated with running Essay Example for Free

he cost associated with running Essay Candidates should be limited on the amount of money they can spend during a campaign. The cost associated with running for public office is expensive, especially in the case of large national scale elections, but also in smaller local ones. The money factor discourages regular middle class individuals from running for office, often leaving the ballot seriously one sided. If spending limits were placed on campaigns, our government could represent the views and issues of the majority of Americans, rather than only those of the wealthy. Further, if candidates are given a spending limit, they are less likely to take money from supporters who will benefit or profit from a particular view. Candidates then are more likely to make choices based on the good of the community, state, or country, rather than what will bring in the most money. Although mandatory voting could produce both positive and negative outcomes, voting should be a requirement of all Americans. On one hand, forcing people who do not support any of the candidates on the ballot might lead to careless voting. Those citizens who have no knowledge of the people who are running or no interest in voting at all will most likely cast their votes simply to uphold the law. On the other hand however, if all people are required to vote, and they do so in an educated manner, the government could represent all people of our country, rather than only those who choose to vote. Additionally, if Americans are forced to vote, candidates will spend less money campaigning. The months leading up to election become a time of voicing views rather than persuading people to vote in the first place. The decreased spending will, once again, ease the chances of a candidate taking a particular stance on an issue due to the influence of those who donate to their campaign. Texas should not hold partisan elections whereby candidates run as a member of a given political party. In these elections, voters are more likely to vote based upon the party that they support in substitution to the views held by the candidate. In a state that is populated by a majority of Republicans such as Texas, a partisan election would limit the amount of Democratic candidates elected to office, resulting in a severely unbalanced government. Suddenly every public office would be held by a Republican. The only real race in a partisan election would be which Republican to vote for. Furthermore, a non partisan election calls attention to the views of the candidate on an individual level, rather than on the views of the political party to which they belong. Those who do not join parties, or who take a stance that is not supported by any party, are more likely to run for office in a non partisan election. These non partisan elections make holding an office more accessible to a wide variety of candidates, instead of only people who share similar views of Republicans or Democrats.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Design Factors in a Modern Living or Working Space

Design Factors in a Modern Living or Working Space Executive summary The aim of this report is to outline the factors which should be taken into account in the design of a modern living or working space. The report discusses three factors related to design of an ideal office, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical factors. The report gives a number of recommendations, the main ones being: Allow natural airflow by using a cross ventilation system to create a fresh atmosphere. Decorate the office with Blue and Green colour to create a pleasant and productive atmosphere. Use fluorescent lights to create natural, warm or daylight colours of light to reduce eye tiredness and headache problems. Introduction The purpose of this report is to outline the factors which should be taken into account in the design of a modern living or working space, and to give recommendations regarding the ideal design of an office. It is written for Mr James Scott as part of the Academic English course requirements. The information was acquired through internet research and group discussion. Firstly, the report outlines the general factors related to design of a modern living or working space. Next, these factors are applied to the ideal design of an office. Subsequent to this, a conclusion is given followed by clear recommendations. 2.0 Design factors There are three factors to take into account when designing a modern living or work space, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical considerations. 2.0.1 Environmental factors Environmental factors relate to use of natural resource and the reduction of cost through the use of renewable energy sources. The ways to do this involve, Firstly, by using a cross ventilation design to keep living area cool, fresh and healthy. Secondly, by installing windows and doors on the east and west side, maximum natural light can be utilised. Third, by installing solar panel and photo-voltaic system, electricity can be generated for different purposes and its carbon free energy (Seminara, 2014). Hence, the use of natural resource in modern living or working space reduces pollution and energy consumption. 2.0.2 Affective factors Affective factors are to do with interior design and decoration of living or working space that affect people’s mood and attitudes. According to Sanders (2014), arrangement of accessories and furniture affect the human moods. For instance, by keeping a small table with cheerful and colourful flowers and decorative container next to drink coaster can uplift mood and create pleasant and friendly environment. Moreover, decorating space with bright colours and LED rope light gives energy and relaxation (Taylor, 2013). To conclude, interior design and decoration of living and working can create a more comfortable space. 2.0.3 Practical factors Practical factors in design are concerned with the health of humans. It includes aspects such as organic materials and comfortable chairs and desks. In order to reduce toxic gases in living or working space, organic materials should be used such as wood, wool, slate, cotton and gorgeous textiles (Gibson, 2013). Moreover, ergonomic chairs and desks should be used which gives relaxation and comfortable feeling. According to Aulenback (2013), proper adjustment of chair, desk dimensions and height of monitor can reduce back injuries and health risk of employees. In short, use ergonomic equipment and organic materials in modern design of living or working space is an important. 2.1 Designing an ideal office Having outlined the above factors relating to general design, it is now necessary to apply them to the design of an office. 2.1.1 Environmental factors in an office design Environmental factors in an office include energy reduction and natural ventilation. Regarding energy reduction, energy consumption can be reduced by using sunlight in the office environment, this affecting positive productivity and the moral of employees (Rayfield, 1997). As far as natural ventilation is concerned, a cross ventilation system would allow natural airflow throughout the office and corridors creating a fresh atmosphere in the office (Goodell, 2010). In short, low energy usage and natural ventilation would result in an eco-friendly office leading to increase productivity. 2.1.2 Affective factors in an office design Affective factors in an office design would involve the use of appropriate colours and an interior furniture design that positively affects the mood, stress levels and behaviour of workers. Regarding colours, the office could include blue and green, the Blue and Green colour stimulate the minds of employees (Akkan Design, 2014). Concerning interior furniture design, work can be performed in an efficient and creative manner when round shaped furniture is used. This is confirmed by a 2013 study showing that when employees were seated at a curved shape desk they were more likely to engage in meeting. (Australian government Comcare, 2002). In conclusion, appropriate colours and interior furniture design of an office creates a pleasant and productive atmosphere. 2.1.3 Practical factors in an office design Practical factors in an office design would include lighting and equipment, such as chairs and desks which affect the health of workers. Concerning lighting, use of fluorescent tubes in the office would provide different qualities of light, such as natural, warm or daylight colour. By using these, eyes tiredness and headache problems can be reduced (Hawary, 2011). Regarding desk design, a desk should have a smooth and flat surface, rounded corners and good access for the user’s legs. In addition, chairs should have different functions such as adjustment of height, rolling wheels and back tilt to reduce back pain problem (National Occupational Commission, 2011). Hence, proper lighting and comfortable chairs and desks are required to reduce health problems. Conclusion This report has outlined the factors relating to the design of a working or living space, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical aspects. It has also discussed the application of these factors in the ideal design of an office. 4.0 Recommendation Having discussed the factors involved in designing a living or working space, Specifically Environmental, Affective and Practical factors. The following recommendations are given for the design of an ideal office. Environmental factors Install windows on the west and east side to allow sunlight into the office. Allow natural airflow by using a cross ventilation system to create a fresh atmosphere. Affective factors Decorate the office with Blue and Green colour to create a pleasant and productive atmosphere. Create a pleasant and friendly environment by keeping decorative container on desk. Practical factors Use fluorescent lights to create natural, warm or daylight colours of light to reduce eye tiredness and headache problems. Fit comfortable desks which have smooth and flat surfaces and good access for user’s legs. Provide chairs with different functions, such as back tilt, rolling wheels and adjustment of height to reduce back pain problem. Reference List Akkan Design. (2014). How Colour Affects Mood in Office and Interior Design. Retrieved from Aulenback, S. (2013). 6 Ways to fight fatigue while using your standing desk. Retrieved from Australian Government Comcare. (2002). Officewise. ISBN 1 921160 17 9 Retrieved from Gibson, R. (2013). 10 Contemporary Elements that Every Home needs. Retrieved from Goodell, l. (2010). How to Create a Productive Office Environment. Retrieved from Hawary, S. (2011). Lighting principles in interior design of management spaces. Retrieved from National Occupational Health and Safety Commission. (2011). Ergonomic Principles and Checklists for the Selection of Office Furniture and Equipment. ISBN 0 644 24516 6 Rayfield, J. K. (1997). The office Interior Design Guide. Retrieved from Sanders, A. (2014). How Does Room Decoration Affect Mood? Retrieved from Seminara, D. (2014). Eco Housing Design. Retrieved from Taylor, J. (n.d). 8 Ways to Get Ambient Lighting. Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

History of 1803 :: essays papers

History of 1803 POLITICAL EVENTS: 1803 was probably one of the most important year in the history of the United States. The reason for this is the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was the largest land purchase ever made in the United States. The Louisiana Purchase increased the national territory by about 140%; the total amount of land purchased was 828,000 sq. miles in extent. It was purchased from France for 80,000,000 francs, which is about $15 million in today's currency. These following states comprised original territory; Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, North and South Dakota, most of Louisiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, and parts of Colorado and Oklahoma. Another political event that occurred in 1803 was Ohio became a state of the United States. Also another political event in 1803 was the renewal of the war between France and Britain. France also completed the Occupation of Hanover. The Swiss cantons regained independence in 1803 to. Robert Emmett, the leader of the Ir. July Rebellion was executed on September 20, 1803. The reason for this was he led an unsuccessful insurrection in Dublin. But he was finally caught on July 23, 1803 and was hanged. He was later celebrated as a martyr for the cause of Irish nationalism. MILITARY EVENTS On May 23,1803 Captain Edward Preble was commissioned as a commander. He was set for the third squadron to be sent against Tripod. Also the renewal of the war between France and Britain started. SOCIAL EVENTS The first tax supported library was set up in 1803. It was located in Salisbury Connecticut and was started as a gift from Caleb Bingham, who was a Boston publisher. The library continued by grants of town money. Also the German Pietism group was started. They were called Harminists, more popularly known as Rappites after their leader George Rapp. George Rapp established a communal settlement near Pittsburgh, which they called Harmony. Glove manufacturing also began in 1803. The manufacturing began in Gloversville New York. It was started by Ezekiel Case. The town then became noted for the business of making gloves and mittens. Also in 1803 there was a record set for Racehorse Peacemaking. The record stood for 30 years, running 2 miles in 3 minutes and 54 seconds. John Randolph also fluttered Philadelphia circling with the announcement that he had fathered an illegitimate child. The subscription prices of the Philadelphia Periodical raised. The portfolio now cost $5 per year. History of 1803 :: essays papers History of 1803 POLITICAL EVENTS: 1803 was probably one of the most important year in the history of the United States. The reason for this is the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was the largest land purchase ever made in the United States. The Louisiana Purchase increased the national territory by about 140%; the total amount of land purchased was 828,000 sq. miles in extent. It was purchased from France for 80,000,000 francs, which is about $15 million in today's currency. These following states comprised original territory; Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, North and South Dakota, most of Louisiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, and parts of Colorado and Oklahoma. Another political event that occurred in 1803 was Ohio became a state of the United States. Also another political event in 1803 was the renewal of the war between France and Britain. France also completed the Occupation of Hanover. The Swiss cantons regained independence in 1803 to. Robert Emmett, the leader of the Ir. July Rebellion was executed on September 20, 1803. The reason for this was he led an unsuccessful insurrection in Dublin. But he was finally caught on July 23, 1803 and was hanged. He was later celebrated as a martyr for the cause of Irish nationalism. MILITARY EVENTS On May 23,1803 Captain Edward Preble was commissioned as a commander. He was set for the third squadron to be sent against Tripod. Also the renewal of the war between France and Britain started. SOCIAL EVENTS The first tax supported library was set up in 1803. It was located in Salisbury Connecticut and was started as a gift from Caleb Bingham, who was a Boston publisher. The library continued by grants of town money. Also the German Pietism group was started. They were called Harminists, more popularly known as Rappites after their leader George Rapp. George Rapp established a communal settlement near Pittsburgh, which they called Harmony. Glove manufacturing also began in 1803. The manufacturing began in Gloversville New York. It was started by Ezekiel Case. The town then became noted for the business of making gloves and mittens. Also in 1803 there was a record set for Racehorse Peacemaking. The record stood for 30 years, running 2 miles in 3 minutes and 54 seconds. John Randolph also fluttered Philadelphia circling with the announcement that he had fathered an illegitimate child. The subscription prices of the Philadelphia Periodical raised. The portfolio now cost $5 per year.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Constitution of the United States Essay -- Papers History USA Gove

The Constitution of the United States When the Constitution of the United States was first created in 1787, its purpose was to unify our country. However, by 1850, the United States had become 'source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it had created.' What happened during the 63 years after it was first established to 'contribute to the failure of the union it had created?' One must look at what the Constitution promoted to make the country unified and what it did to make it disunified. Compromises such as 3/5, the Missouri, and the tariff of 1850 all helped to unify and shape our country. However, compromises such as the Fugitive Slave Law, Popular Sovereignty, and the slave trade all led to disunify our country. The large populous states naturally wanted the number of representatives in the new Congress to be based on population. The Virginia Plan provided that there would be two houses of Congress and that in each one representation would be based on population. Li ke many other ideas that have made history, it was remarkably simple. Why not divide the Congress into two houses? In one house (the Senate) each state, regardless of population, would have the same number of representatives. In the other house (the House of Representatives) each member would represent the same number of people. 'Quite appropriately this came to be called the Great Compromise. Other major compromises came on slavery and on the control of commerce. The southern states, where the slaves were really treated as property, still wanted the slaves counted as people for the purposes of representation in the New House of Representatives. Some delegates argued that if one kind of property was counted f... ... a truce that announced the opening of fight to the finish. The Missouri Compromise preserved sectional balance for over 30 years and provided time for the nation to mature. The Fugitive Slave Law however, helped lead to the disunification of both the country and the Constitution. The F.S.L. stated that any captured person who claimed to be a free black and not a runaway slave was denied the right to trial by jury. Popular Sovereignty held the greatest possibility maintaining the unity of the Democratic Party and national unity, but that like a lot of other things was proven to be wrong. Buchanan presumably premeditated the Dred Scott Decision but no one really proved it. In conclusion, like stated in the thesis, there were many factors that led to the nation's sectional discord and the unity within the nation. Some of which are still around today but work better.

Edgar Allan Poe?s Poetry :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Once something is gone, it is extremely hard to recover. Poe proves this true in his poems, many of which are about the loss of ideal beauty. Poe often writes about this, even so much as defining poetry as â€Å"The rhythmical creation of beauty†, as stated in his writing, â€Å"The Poetic Principle†. Three poems that are specifically about the loss of ideal beauty are: â€Å"The Raven†, â€Å"Lenore† and â€Å"Annabel Lee†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"The Raven†, the speaker is trying to accept the death of his beloved, Lenore. He decides that he should move on, because it is only causing him great torment. He says this out loud, and the raven states â€Å"Nevermore†, meaning that he will never forget about her. He argues with the bird, but the bird keeps telling him, â€Å"Nevermore†. By the end of the poem, the speaker is still tormenting over Lenore, because the raven is still sitting on top of his chamber door, reminding him, not letting him move on. Lenore was an example of ideal beauty, and as shown in this poem, it was impossible to regain it after it’s death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lenore is the subject of another poem by Edgar Allan Poe, entitled â€Å"Lenore†. In this case, the speaker is basically reprimanding â€Å"Guy De Vere† for killing his bride, leaving the speaker obsessing over what was, and what is now gone. In this poem, he is told to move on, because she is dead, and he cannot help that. The speaker wishes to mourn her death in silence, and imagine her as an ideal beauty, resting beside the King of Heaven.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final poem I will analyze is â€Å"Annabel Lee†. This poem talks about an ideal beauty he knew as a child, and she was killed unexpectedly by the angels, according to the speaker, because he was too happy, and too much in love with her. In this poem, however, he accepts her death, but claims to have beat the angels, because: â€Å"neither the angels in heaven above, nor the demons down under the sea, can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee.† This poem is different from the other two poems, because not only is it a different woman, but he psychologically accepts her death, in a way, rather then being forced to torment over it.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Influences on the Philippines Essay

Although some may have had a longer lasting impact on the Philippines each one helped create the Philippines to what it is today. India has influenced the Philippines in all aspects of life, from writing, music, and language to even religion. Because of the high trade between India and the Philippines India was able to have a huge impact on the Philippines. Some religion that can be seen from Indian influence is Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. This can be seen in the most southern island, Mindanao. Some Tagalog words are even Indian influenced, such as mukha (face), putong (turban), and guro (teacher). Just like India the Chinese have also left a mark in the language but that is not what they are most known for. The Chinese has left many different types of food in the Philippines that are now in the every day lives of Filipinos. Some famous Filipino dishes that are Chinese influenced are pancit, lumpia, and lechon. Some chinese influenced words are susi (key), pinto (door), and kuya (older brother). Some very important influences from the Chinese that as help revolutionize the Philippines is the use of metal and gunpowder. It would then help give Philippines the power to defend itself later on. Probably the most influential group of people would be the Spaniards, which was during the colonization of the Philippines by the Spaniards. Even the name of the Philippines was given by the Spaniards, which was named after the king of Spain Philip II. Going along with naming, a lot of surnames of Filipinos are Spanish influenced as well. Religion probably had the biggest impact on the Philippines because the majority of Filipinos are Roman Catholic. Filipinos follow Hispanic traditions when it comes to religion and some festivals are also Spanish influenced. Just like the Chinese and the Indians the Spanish also had an impact on the language of the Philippines. The language of the Philippines is a melting pot in itself because of the different words derived from other languages. Last but not least the Americans also left a mark on the Philippines during the wars. The Jeepney is a popular form of transportation and can be seen all over the Philippines. After World War II there were many military standard jeeps that were left behind in the Philippines. As innovative as Filipinos are they used the jeeps to their advantage and thus created the Jeepney. English is probably the second most spoken language in the Philippines. An English speaker would not have any problem trying to make their way through the Philippines. The Philippines continues to grow in itself with the everlasting influences of the many countries that came to the Philippines.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Traditions Aren’t Always Worth Keeping

On the cockcrow of June 27th, a tiny t witnessship of active 300 people, meet in the townsfolksfolkship squ argon for a im rank they turn to the lottery. The kids occur first to the squ atomic number 18, straight from school, consequently come the fathers, and then the mothers after they bar the ho fork upwork. They all stand waiting as they call the names of all the fathers in the families to the front to pull a woods snick from a depressed box, and the family with the black dot on their wood chip entrust participate in the lottery. individually member of that family will draw a percentage of constitution hoping is doesnt contract a black dot.Whoever condenses that specific piece of paper will be st whizd to death by the whole town. This smart fib comes to life in Shirley capital of Mississippis The Lottery, writ ten-spot in 1948. This is a very laborious fable that has a huge impact on the town, and ends with a stoning. This small town has vital on change to this tradition that will not be let go. After studying the twaddle, Shirley capital of Mississippi presents the theme that, lot are loath(p) to reject overaged traditions, ideas, and/or practices. fit to dictionary. com, Traditions are beliefs or customs taught by one generation to the succeeding(prenominal), often orally.These traditions are maintained usually by societies and regimens, and share hi fable, customs, culture, the teaching of language, and roughtimes education. Traditions are a part of our society today, and round traditions date back to past generations. Us as individuals may hold in our own traditions in our own family, usually organism annual traditions. Government and city traditions are different that family traditions, in the way that, throughout the years traditions may need to be altered or changed depending on the times, as generation change. However, this doesnt everlastingly happen. The lottery, is a tradition in this town that is not even a thought when it comes to change. somewhat people in the town happen that there was a reason this tradition was started, and it should be continued. It has caused a lot of focus and a lot of ideas on whether or not this tradition should be kept. some(prenominal) people in the town spirit this is a harsh way of exiling psyche from the town, and feel it is very unnecessary. Traditions become a big part in this narrative and present the theme throughout the twaddle. The morning time of June 27th was clear and sunny. . . . . The people of the liquidation began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank around ten oclock, (capital of Mississippi 586).This passage that roughs the short story presents the saddle horse, merely also shows the audience that the setting is a part of the tradition of the lottery. either year in June this routine of approaching to the square to participate in the lottery becomes second nature to the town, and they in bri ef witness that this is a tradition that will continue. capital of Mississippi not only discusses that the setting is a tradition, but also presents that even the materials that they use are traditions as well. The black box now resting on the stool had been spew into use before grizzly domain Warner, the over-the-hillest ma in town, was born, (587). The box is the circumstance that is used for the drawing, which by this point, as old as it is, needs to be remade. Mr. Summers stave frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one like to upset even as overmuch tradition as was represent by the black box, (587). Traditions in this town will not be substantially let go. This box does need some serious work, but Jackson goes on to say that they just tape it up and its ready to go for the next year.Cummings Study presents This box is used as a symbol to present that this town is firm and doesnt want to give up their traditions, even a wide-eyed item is somethin g they cant get rid of. Everything needs to be the original. Traditions are even kept in the action of performing the lottery. Mr. Summers, on of the main characters in the story and presides over the lottery states, right off Ill read the names- heads of the families first- and the men come up and take a paper out of the box.Keep the paper folded in your come about without looking at it until everyone has had a turn, (589). This is the surgery of the lottery and it shows that even this hasnt changed. Jackson goes on to say that the people of this town had heard this speech so much that they half listened. She also says that most of them were unemotional and frustrated with what was about to happen. The lottery has become very frustrating to these people, and after so umteen years participating in the lottery is enough, states Brothers Judd, a review of the story.So how some years has this been going on? gaga reality Warner, a character in the story, says seventy-seventh y ear I been in the lottery. Seventy Seventh time, (590) which shows the audience that this tradition has deceased on a long time. At the event there was even speech between two of the characters Old Man Warner and Mr. Adams on the fact that over in the North Village are lecture about giving up the lottery, and Old Man Warner comes back and says Pack of tempestuous fools. Listening to the young folks, nothings good enough for them.Next thing you populate theyll want to go back to sustenance in caves, nobody work anymore, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying lottery in June, corn be heavy soon. . . . . Theres unendingly been a lottery, (590). With strong feelings Old Man Warner shows that the lottery is here to stay and it always will be. It is the town story and is part of their culture. The stubborn attitudes of some people in this story have caused a problem in this town when deciding on whether or not to keep the lottery. Jackson is trying to get across that even though this is an old tradition it needs to be kept around.Keeping these traditions are not always the best thing to do. Looking at Americas history, we had several traditions that we have had, that have had negative impacts such as, slavery, capital of Oregon Witch Trials, and Voting, that had they not been changed our country would not be where it is today. Some of the characters in the story realize that change is good and the traditions should be looked at more to see if this is rattling worth keeping, while other characters wear offt care what others think and are strict to following the tradition.Jackson shows the audience of the story that traditions are there for a reason, but also shows that change is always good. People are reluctant to reject outdated traditions, ideas, and/or practices. We need to be open to new ideas. America has in its history and following the same traditions isnt always right. Overall this was a great story and would defiantly recommend it. Jackson presents many more ideas than what I have mentioned and I think every reader should hear it themselves.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Comparison of Сolonies

Comparison of Ð ¡olonies

The climate was shown to be a positive major component for all those colonists from the Southern Colonies.Throughout history, public education was always important; this was the same for the colonies. Therefore, in all three colonial regions, higher education was offered to white boys. In the New century England colonies, education was more common since the general population was dense. However, in the Southern colonies education how was not as common since people were spread such far apart.One thing its possible to take far away from this map and use in your maps.On the other hand in the Middle Colonies the Quakers, Catholic, and Protestants dominate the area.And in the South, the new church of England dominated. Great colonies need great governments. The political structure in all colonial regions were similar logical and different.

Is use the exact colours for the exact same notions.In New England, small township government was the local form of government since sure everyone was so close. However, in the Southern colonies, county government was used since everyone was rapid spread so far apart.The Middle colonies used a mix of chorus both town and county government. Lastly, economy how was both similar and different in the regions.These colonies growth wasnt excellent for Americans.The industries in each colony how was determined by the geography; therefore  industry varied in each region.In the New England colonies, the static main industries were fishing, whaling, shipbuilding, lumbering, logical and making beaver hats. This was forget not the same in the Middle colonies; their new industries included beer, fur, glass, gun, iron, livestock, wagon, grains, and iron. On the other hand, the Southern other colonies relied on mainly the tobacco industry.

Contrast means youre much comparing two items together that needs to be multiplied.Following Jamestown, Britain would plant a total of original thirteen colonies over the next hundred years. These colonies empty can be grouped into three regions. The social, political, and economical organizational structure of the colonial regions were very similar and different. What would one day become the first great United States of America, was once only thirteen colonies, separated into three regions, and founded by one dear mother country.However, letters are included by it.It has origins than each other colony.

Single women and men couldnt live by themselves.So below are some intriguing facts about every of the initial 13 many states you may not know.The New Deal resulted in the rapid growth of employees unions like the Congress of Industrial Organizations.Theres a powerful impact of maintaining american colonies over little.

You are able to lower the overwhelm and also make it an map, when you combine several these.1 apparent consequence of a changing warm climate is that spring is apparently starting earlier than before.Most white women logical and men in the South owned no slaves.Just a few other people in it owned plantations.

Some still reside in the southeastern large area of the usa.Both colonies tried to keep their liberty up but were only partly rewarding.Farmers began groups to withstand the railroad, including the Grange.It was forget not unusual to find a family of over ten.